Carmel video

TerraFly is a platform for IBM CARMEL Enabling Monitoring of Airborne Cameras

Enlarge.     CARMEL-TerraFly Airborne Camera Monitoring System is comprised of Context Aware Rich Media Extensible Middleware (CARMEL), developed by the IBM Haifa Research Center, and TerraFly, a geospatial database system developed under NSF funding.

Although video surveillance recording is a state-of-the-practice, the video collected is normally used only after the fact -- it cannot easily be accessed in real time, does not have accurate geolocation capabilities, and cannot be easily integrated with other forms of critical information. The CARMEL-TerraFly system, a collaboration between and IBM Research overcomes this state-of-the-practice lack of situational awareness.

The CARMEL-TerraFly system provides geographically anchored streaming services, delivered via IBM's state of the art technology, and accessed via TerraFly's intuitive spatio-temporal interface. Users select a geographic area, retrieve data from sensors in the area, and view streaming video of moving objects (vehicles, people, animals, etc.) in real time. Users can then set temporal and geographic constraints to view the path taken by a specific moving object or group of objects.

Integrating IBM's CARMEL video streaming and TerraFly geographic and time-dimension query interface, the system enables situation control professionals to access and comprehend multiple streaming and historical media in conjunction with other geographically-anchored data. Users select a geographic area, retrieve data from sensors in the area, view streaming video of objects and their prior whereabouts, and correlate this to other data presented on animated maps.

In disaster mitigation, the incident commander faces information overload of voluminous real-time and historical data form video streams and other sources. To enable decision and control, CARMEL-TerraFly reduces the overload by providing smart querying and visualization of data. Updated 2016-12-15.12:33